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My Services

Depending on your area of grief and loss, I work virtually with individuals and couples to provide a wide range of therapeutic services.  To learn more about my services, areas of expertise, and why virtual therapy may be a good option for you, please see below.

Miscarriage Stillbirth Infant Loss Counselling Counseling Alberta Ontario

Miscarriage, Stillbirth

& Infant Loss

The loss of a baby, no matter how far along you are in pregnancy, can be one of the most painful life events.

 You may be hurting more than anything you have ever experienced.  You may have feelings of sadness, despair, guilt, anger, and disbelief. You may also feel isolated and alone. It can be difficult to talk about your loss, even to your partner.  In a way that honours the loss of your baby, I will provide a safe space for you to navigate this difficult time.  

NICU Admission Ontario Alberta Counselling Counseling

NICU Parents

NICU experiences can be frightening, lengthy, and difficult to manage as new parents.  Your hopes and dreams for those newborn days are shattered.  You may be depressed, angry, shocked, and struggling with your sleep.  You may be anxious about your baby's prognosis.  Therapy can help parents cope with the trauma and distress. Through our process together, I will provide a safe space for you to explore your experiences, learn effective coping strategies, and build resilience, so that you can focus on parenting and feeling well again.

Infertility Counselling Counseling Alberta Ontario


Getting pregnant has not been easy for you.  You may feel like your sense of identity and life dreams have been taken away. You may be wondering if you are to blame or you may be feeling angry, overwhelmed, and powerless.  There can be a wide range of emotions as the uncertainty of infertility treatments can be extremely stressful.  I am here to help you navigate this very difficult time.

Birth Trauma Alberta Edmonton Calgary Cochrane Counselling Counseling

Birth Trauma

Approximately 1 in 3 parents report that their childbirth is traumatic or disempowering.  For some people, the trauma is because the birth was exceptionally painful, frightening, or had complications.  Moreover, it can be traumatizing whether or not physical harm happened to you or your baby.  If your childbirth didn’t go planned, you may feel a variety of emotions. You may also begin to show signs of PTSD.  Right now, you may be really struggling during this transition to parenthood.  If you are struggling after a distressing childbirth, please know that therapy can help you recover and get back to the way you had hoped to be present in your journey as a parent.

Termination Abortion Counselling Counseling Alberta Ontario


You may have found yourself facing a very difficult decision to end your pregnancy due to a catastrophic medical diagnosis or maybe your pregnancy was not planned.  In both situations, grief still shows up.  You may have intense feelings of sadness, guilt, shame, and isolation.  I will provide a compassionate and supportive environment to help you work through your grief during this very difficult time.

Pregnancy Anxiety Mental Health Postpartum Depression Alberta Ontario Counselling

Pregnancy & Postpartum Mental Health

Pregnancy and postpartum days are vulnerable periods.  It can be filled with a wide range of emotions, including anxiety, panic, sadness, and depression.  You may be experiencing little to no sleep, crying a lot, having intrusive thoughts, irritability, guilt, or maybe a loss of interest in people or activities.  You are not alone.  During this vulnerable and overwhelming period, I will support you through this difficult transition.  We will process your emotions, develop new coping strategies, and find ways to connect with yourself, your baby, your partner, and other people and activities.  


Our In-Person 

#205 - 100 Grande Blvd

Cochrane, Alberta

T4C 2G4


Thursdays: 5:30pm - 9:30pm

Benefits of Online Therapy

It’s easy and accessible to all

in Ontario & Alberta.


You can talk about your difficult journey from the comfort of your most sacred space, your home.



Creates Accessibility

Is a specialized pregnancy and infant loss counsellor not available in your local community?  Do you have physical limitations that prevent you from leaving your home?  Does the thought of leaving your home create anxiety?


Meeting online or over the telephone rectifies

any of accessibility concerns you may have.

Greater Flexibility

Do you have a busy home or work schedule?  Will it be difficult to find time to commute and pay for parking? Maybe you have other children and need to talk during nap times?


By sitting in the comfort of your own home, it may be easier to prioritize therapy time as you can find a time that suits your availability.


Overall, research supports that online therapy is just as effective as traditional face-to-face therapy. 


You only need a computer or telephone.  We can meet on Zoom or over the telephone.


Feel free to reach out for a free 15-minute consultation to see if online therapy is right for you.

Miscarriage Stillbirth Infant Loss Alberta Edmonton GTA Toronto Ottawa Kitchener Guelph Hamilton Winsdor Kingston  Lethbridge Medicine Hat Red Deer Fort McMurray Grande Prairie

Online grief counselling is available to you whether you live in Edmonton, Toronto (surrounding GTA), Ottawa, Medicine Hat, Kitchener, Red Deer,  Fort McMurray,  Windsor, Grande Prairie, or somewhere in between these cities.

You are not alone.

I am here to journey with you during this very difficult time.  Please reach out for help and support.

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