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Miscarriage Stillbirth Termination Abortion Infertility NICU Counselling Counseling


There's so much excitement when you start dreaming and planning to become pregnant and welcome a new baby. Maybe you dreamed about your pregnancy milestones, your baby’s birth, those early newborn days, and eventually all those sweet milestones your baby would reach. But, unfortunately, those hopes and dreams were lost due to a complicated infertility journey, miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant loss.


For parents experiencing a NICU admission, these days can be long, frightening, and emotionally draining. For parents who have found themselves having to face a very difficult decision to end your pregnancy, due to a catastrophic medical diagnosis or maybe your pregnancy was not planned. In all these situations, grief shows up.


You may be feeling waves of different emotions, including intense sadness, anger, irritability, self-blame, guilt, hopelessness, and anxiety.  It probably feels like nobody understands your experience or loss. Perhaps, not even your partner really understands, because they’re grieving in their own way. It’s overwhelming. It hurts more than anything you have ever experienced in your life. It's devastating.


This is an extremely vulnerable time. Through an integrated approach, I hope to journey with you and help process your feelings, work through your grief, and ultimately grow. I will guide you through this process in a way that feels safe, that is personalized to your needs, and that honours your grief journey. 

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You are not alone. 

I am here to help. 

Please reach out.


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